Sunday, April 30, 2017

class/review session

do we have class tomorrow?

no more classes. I will be at my office hour tomorrow and I will arrange a review session, probably Tuesday afternoon. 





exam/practice problem #2

(sure would have been better if you could have done this back when this material was fresh)

exam/practice problem 1

Hi Dr. Taylor, In this E-mail I've attached pictures of worked problems from exams 1 through 3 that I did not get 100% correct. I've additionally included one or two questions from the practice final that I am not sure if I did correctly. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. 


this is good, and nice use of white board.  I'll be getting to the rest of these bit by bit today.  A thought for you and your classmates: these will display on the blog better if you write them so that they can be photographed in portrait rather than landscape mode.  As it is, to read this I suggest you right click (control click for mac users) and download.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

13.6 confusion...

Hello Professor Taylor,
In your 9:45 lecture this past Friday I thought you mentioned you would extend the due date of WebWorK 13.6 from Friday to Sunday at the popular request of the class. I was struggling to meet deadlines for multiple courses last night, so after confirming what I believe I heard in class with another student, I opted not to prioritize the remainder of the 13.6 assignment. As of today the assignment is closed, and is labeled as being due Friday at midnight. I truly hope my classmate and I did not misinterpret your comment in class, and consequently lose our opportunity to finish the assignment. Please clarify your point of view on this situation and inform me of what the outcome will be.
Hello Professor,
This is *********  from your calc 3 class. I was working on Webwork 13.6. and the due date is tonight April 28. This class morning you changed the date to Sunday. Thank you. 

Well, maybe. My recollection though is that I left 13.6 alone and changed 13.7 to allow more time.  In any case, since nothing gets done until the last minute, I've changed 13.6 to be due Sunday night as well.

answers to exams

Hi Dr Taylor,

Could you post the solutions for exams 1-3 for MAT 267 on the blog.


No, because the answers won't help you if you don't do the problems. If you work the problems *again* and send photos of your answer written out on fresh paper, I will discuss your answer and give hints here on the blog. 

The last lecture notes

Lecture Notes 4/21/17

Lecture Notes 4/24/17

Lecture Notes 4/26/17 (coming, but not yet)

Lecture Notes 4/28/17

For Reals#9

Funzies #11

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Office politics and numerical answers

So yah, it's true, this is an engineering class and you get to use your calculator to get the answer on the exam unless I the problem commands exact answer only.

But picture this: you're working in an engineering group meeting roughing out a device design and your boss throws out a rough model and you whip out your cell phone calculator and compute that the net voltage/force/pressure differential answer is 10^-15.  Should you report this number to the group? Or should you report that the number is zero?  Which answer would get you more respect from your cohort?  Under what conditions?  What if the true answer for the model is fairly obviously  exactly zero, even though the model itself is an inexact approximation of the device?

Friday, April 21, 2017

and 13.4 glitch

Hi Dr. Taylor,

WW 13.4 was closed early today at 11:59 am instead of pm. Was this a mistake or was it due at this time?

Thank you,



Was the webwork section 13.4 due sometime earlier than tonight? (Friday, 4/21 at 11:59pm)

I thought all homework was only ever due on Friday nights and even double checked earlier this week
but I could be wrong. Was it due Wednesday?


My bad.  Fixed. Now due Saturday night at 11:59PM

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


there are an amazing number of people who think that e^0=0 and/or cos(0)=0

Monday, April 17, 2017

Calculators on the exam

Hello Dr. Taylor,

I hope you’re doing well! Thank you for your help during office hours today.

I have one quick question about the test on Wednesday.  Once we set up the triple integrals for any given problem, is it ok for us to use our calculators to compute the definite integral to get our final answer? This would save a lot of time/space in the test, and given that we are being tested on mainly set-up concepts I figure it makes sense. I wanted to check with you though to make sure.

Please let me know.


It depends in general: on whether on the way the problem is stated and also on it would even be useful.

On the one hand, if the problem states something like "Exact answers only, no calculators" then just writing down the number you compute using the calculator will get no credit.  In this case you have to compute the answer by hand without the calculator. It *could* still be useful to you to check that the answer you compute by hand matches up with the calculator answer.

And on another hand, for those inner integrals inside the iterated integral that have functions for limits of integration or for which the integrand doesnt factor as a product of functions of the different variables, your calculator doesnt even know how to compute those.

But, if you wind up with an integral with constants for limits of integration and a single variable integrand, yes please calculate away.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Practice Test 3

Professor Taylor,
I think the majority of us students greatly appreciated when you uploaded a previous year's test 2 on the blog a few weeks ago right before test 2.
Is it possible that you upload a previous year's Test 3 so that we can have more resources to study?

Thanks for your help!
Just emailing to remind you to post the practice test. I just checked and didn't see one! 

Thank you,

Here it is!
Practice Test 3

Friday, April 14, 2017

I made a boo-boo

I forgot to assign section 12.7--spherical integrals.   Now due next Friday, *BUT* you have an exam on the topic on Wednesday, so I'll give you quiz with a question on that topic on Monday

Thursday, April 13, 2017


This problem on the 13.3 webwork is providing to be a pain. I am unable to figure out how to solve for the answers of b,c and d. I have tried taking a vector between the two points and then tried taking the magnitude of the change in x and y when going from P to Q. Is there something I am missing
when it comes to getting this problem completed and correct

So, you're missing a basic theoretical fact about the line integrals of gradient vector fields (which is discussed in the textbook and  in the lecture notes.  You are paying a lot of money for these things, when you can't do a problem it is highly recommended to look at them. You would be likely to get an answer quicker than I'll get around to giving it to you, and since time is money you're paying extra for the wait.)  The theoretical fact you need is that the fundamental theorem of calculus applies to the line integrals of gradients: ∫_Γ f∙dr = f(r_2) - f(r_1    where r_1 and r_are the initial and final points of the curve Γ.  This means that your answer is the difference of the values of the function on the initial and starting contour. For example the answer to (b) is 34-38 = -4.

Lecture Notes 4/10/17 through 4/14/17 (completed)

Lecture Notes 4/10/17

Lecture Notes 4/12/17

Lecture Notes 4/14/17

Monday, April 10, 2017

FInal Exam Notice

The final exam will take place on Tuesday May 2, from 7:10-9:00PM is SCOB152

Saturday, April 1, 2017

More on the extra credit assignment

Here's the blog post I made a couple weeks ago:

Hi, I'd like to offer an extra credit assignment. In general terms it would involve a properly formatted & properly cited, non-plagiarized 1000 word essay on what impact multivariable calculus has on your particular chosen career. Details to follow--but you could google the words in this post that you don't already understand.

To update:
1) Let's make it fewer words, say 600 words. This is not to make it easier for you to bullshit your way through the assignment, this is to force you to make it more clear and more concise.

2) This assignment is worth ten exam points.

3) Format:
   a) Double spaced.
   b) IEEE format for citations and references.
   c) Times New Roman font

4) You need to research this.  This means that you need to figure out what the engineers that graduate with your major actually do for a living.
   a) Go to the section of Noble Library with books on that topic. If it's a technical book it will probably have equations in it. Is it multivariable calc? Keep looking until you find some.   CITE THESE.
   b) Look at the professional journals in that discipline, scan a few articles in them. They will likely make no sense to you.  Keep at it until you find some multivariable calc.   CITE THESE.
   c) Citations to personal conversations with working engineers are good, provided that you provide a linked in page to document their professional status. Get references from them, and go look it up.

5) Time has been flying by. Let's make the new due date April 20.

6) I want all assignments delivered to me *ON* the due date, *BOTH* by email as an word searchable *PDF*, and as printed and bound (just stapled is fine) hard copy delivered to the front desk in the upper division math office in WXLR/PSA 216 during business hours; ask the staff at the desk to put your assignment in my mailbox.