Friday, February 3, 2017

Quiz on Monday, practice tests, extra pretest problem session

1) You should notice that there is material we covered this week that will be incorporated in the final exam next week--even though the homework on the subject isn't due until next Friday.  To encourage you to engage with this material, I am announcing that there will be a 10 minute quiz on Monday on topics that we covered this week, namely vector functions and things that can be done with them.

2) Practice exams and review questions can be accessed at this link.  After the quiz we will be having a review session, so work the practice exams and come with your questions.

3) One of the mat267 instructors will be running a problem session on Monday afternoon:
MAT267 Instructors,

Apparently there is no class scheduled in the same room prior to my Monday Wednesday class in WXLR A118.  Therefore, I chose to switch 2 hours of office hours for 2 hours of problem session work immediately before their class from 3:30 to 4:30, (our class starts at 4:35).

Feel free to let your students know.  I will be there simply to work problems on the board.  Usually these problem sessions only consist of a few students and thus fire code issues due to occupancy are minimal.  If it becomes excessive we can take action at that point.

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